Flexible and Reliable Software Service Platform

Automation software is made up of many smaller subcomponents that operate at different levels of complexity. For example, the lowest-level software controls sensors and actuators that interact with the physical world, while the highest-level software controls the overall infrastructure, such as enterprise resource planning systems in manufacturing. Structuring the software in a functional and maintainable way is key to the smooth operation of the system.

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Challenge: Balancing Flexibility and Reliability

  • A key challenge in implementing complex workflow automation software systems is balancing the need for flexibility with the need for reliable performance.
  • For example, this means considering where to deploy system subcomponents while ensuring low-latency communication between subcomponents.
  • This tension also extends to the dimension of system maintenance. For example, it should be easy to modify the functionality of the system. At the same time, it should be possible to redeploy the modified parts independently.

Need: Service-Oriented Architecture

  • A service-oriented architecture can be used to provide this level of flexibility.
  • In this paradigm, robotic process automation software is modularly packaged as a series of tools and services. These can then be deployed independently onto the desired hosts.
  • The services work together to perform more complex tasks.

Solution: Automation Software Service Platform

A platform for managing the deployment and monitoring of services is crucial, as it ensures that they work together smoothly. This approach provides the basis for mechanisms such as deployment planning, which is used to minimize the latency in service communication. It also dynamically updates services as the state of the overall system changes.

Our other core competencies

In addition to Flexible and Reliable Service Platform, we also focus on the following topics:

Adaptive and Optimized Behavior

Human-Machine Safety Assurance


Automation Systems

In manufacturing, automation is crucial to ensure the quality and efficiency of production processes. Visit Automation Systems to learn more about our focus areas and the various projects Fraunhofer IKS is working on.

System Evaluation & Engineering

Trustworthy & Dependable AI Applications

Blog articles on Flexible and Reliable Software Service Platform

Read more about Flexible and Reliable Software Service Platform on our Safe Intelligence Blog:


Automated Guided Vehicles

Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) — driverless transporters — are used to transport materials, among other things. Our video shows how they can be updated quickly and safely.


Industry 4.0 / 4.12.2023

Turbocharging artificial intelligence in production

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Industry 4.0 still faces technological obstacles that make the use of AI difficult. Fraunhofer IKS is therefore developing a framework that supports and optimizes the data and AI lifecycle - and thus significantly increases the added value of AI in production.


Cloud / 18.8.2022

13 typical pitfalls when adopting cloud technologies

Software development is a comparatively young, but complex and quickly evolving field. One of the more recent additions to the common portfolio of software architects is cloud technologies.  Nevertheless, there are several pitfalls that can be encountered when integrating cloud technologies into your software architecture.


ResilientSOA / 28.1.2021

Towards resilient architectures for cognitive systems

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) integrate software algorithms and physical structures. Lean management of CPS with resilient architectures satisfies these requirements by combining data distribution with service-oriented structures.


resilientsoa / 2.10.2020

A software toolkit for flexible and robust architectures

Flexible service-oriented architectures (SOAs) in safety-critical applications have been virtually out of the question until now. Fraunhofer IKS has developed resilientsoa, a software framework that meets these needs by ensuring that service orchestration is as safe as necessary while performing as well as possible.



Cloud-based systems face safety and efficiency challenges – ways out of a catch 22 situation

The future will rely on widespread, massively-connected, highly-intelligent systems. Such systems exist in changing environments and interact with other systems and humans, which requires intelligence, autonomy, safety and adaptability – in fact, conflicting goals.