Advisory Board

© Fraunhofer IKS
Advisory Board meeting at Fraunhofer IKS in 2023: from left to right: Institute Director Prof. Dr. Mario Trapp, Prof. Ph.D. Philip Koopman, Dr. Corina Apachite, Prof. Ph.D. Betty H.C. Cheng, Dr. Niels Syassen, Dr. Stefan Wimbauer, Prof. Dr. Raoul Klingner, representing the Fraunhofer Executive Board, Dr. Anna Bauer-Mehren, Research Coordinator of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Dr. Richard Johannes Luyken and Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Bungartz.

The members of advisory board support the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS in the professional orientation of the institute. The advisory board currently consists of nine experts from industry, science, and civil service.


Members of Advisory Board

Dr. Corina Apachite (chair of advisory board)
Continental Automotive GmbH

Prof. Ph.D. Philip Koopman (deputy chair of advisory board)
Carnegie Mellon University

Dr. Anna Bauer-Mehren
Roche Pharma

Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Bungartz
Technical University of Munich

Prof. Ph.D. Betty H.C. Cheng
Michigan State University

Dr. Ranja Reda Kouba
Google Cloud Deutschland
Head of Customer Engineering, Financial Services Industries

Prof. Ph.D. Danica Kragic
Royal Institute of Technology KTH

Dr. Niels Syassen

Dr. Stefan Wimbauer
Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology
Head of department 43