
Cooperation within the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft

Fraunhofer ICT Group

The Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS is deeply involved in the Fraunhofer ICT Group. The group consists of more than 20 member institutes, all conducting research on information and communication technologies. Through collaboration between institutes with a similar technical focus, this alliance provides a platform for discussing future projects and new technologies.

High Performance Center »Secure Intelligent Systems«

The High Performance Center »Secure Intelligent Systems« (LZSiS) is an initiative of the six Fraunhofer Institutes AISEC, EMFT, IBP, IGCV, IKS and IVV from the greater Munich area as well as the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Bundeswehr University Munich.

With the interdisciplinary expertise bundled in LZSiS, we accompany the transformation process in all stages: From the initial idea to a solution concept and the implementation of digital process chains or new business models. We place particular emphasize on the overall security of our intelligent system solutions: Safe and secure from sensor to cloud. This way, our customers and partners can securely exploit the potential of digitalization.

Our network

The Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS also actively participates in technology and industry committees outside of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft including standards groups like AUTOSAR and the Car2Car Communication Consortium and industry associations such as the German Association of Engineers and the BICCNET and Mechatronics clusters. Within the standards committees, the goal is to drive the development of standards forward and to ensure that the institute’s development activities stay ahead of the technology curve. Participation in industry organizations helps Fraunhofer IKS pinpoint the needs of the market and develop corresponding solutions.



  • Arbeitskreis Software-Qualität und -Fortbildung e.V. (ASQF)
  • ASAM e.V.
  • BICCNet
  • Bluetooth Special Interest Group
  • CAR2CAR Communication Consortium
  • Cluster Mechatronics
  • CNA
  • DKE/UK STD_1911.1 Netzintegration Lastmanagement und Dezentrale Energieerzeugung
  • EAST-ADL Association
  • Eclipse Foundation
  • European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
  • German Informatics Society (GI)
  • Gesellschaft für Verkehrstelematik Bayern– ITS Bavaria
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • ITU-T Zugang
  • aitiRaum e.V.
  • Münchner Kreis
  • Quantum Business Network (QBN)
  • Round Table: „Automatisiertes Fahren“ of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI)
  • SafeTRANS
  • SDL Forum Society
  • Universal Plug- and Play-Forum
  • VDI - Society for Vehicle and Traffic Technologies
  • VDE - Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies
  • VDMA Working Group Medical Technology
  • Verbund 4-Labs
  • Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. (VDI) (Association of German Engineers)
  • ZD.B Zentrum Digitalisierung Bayern