White Paper: Flexilient End-to-End Architectures

Flexibility, intelligence and resilience for dependable cloud-based cyber-physical systems

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In the white paper »Flexilient End-to-End Architectures« we present a novel approach for designing and managing intelligent connected autonomous systems at runtime that allows safety aspects to be evaluated and guaranteed not only during the design phase and for worst-case scenarios, but also at runtime in line with the current situation. As a result, we can move functions, including those that are safety related, to the cloud or edge for improved performance.

Within the white paper, Christian Drabek and Anna Kosmalska of Fraunhofer IKS discuss the main challenges of dependable cloud-based cyber-physical systems(-of-systems). The aim is to design them to simultaneously provide resilience, intelligence and flexibility, for which we introduce the new term »flexilience«. Utilizing a specific example, the authors illustrate the institute’s process for analyzing and validating end-to-end architectures (E2E), thus supporting its customers to develop flexible and resilient E2E architectures.

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Dependable Connected Systems

Fraunhofer IKS develops connected systems that are safe and dependable.


Blog post: Part 2

Designing and evaluating dependable cloud-based systems

Addressing the challenges in dependable cloud-based cyber-physical systems of systems (CPSoS) requires new approaches that are automated and efficient enough to shift some of the system’s elements to runtime. To design and evaluate the system architecture, Fraunhofer IKS has developed an iterative and automated process.


Blog post: Part 1

Cloud-based systems face safety and efficiency challenges

The future will rely on widespread, massively-connected, highly-intelligent systems. To implement this vision, we need dependable cloud-based cyber-physical systems. Research in this direction encounters many challenges. Systems exist in changing environments and interact with other systems and humans, which requires intelligence, autonomy, safety and adaptability.

Challenges of cloud-based automated valet parking

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When safety-relevant functions are moved into the cloud, the connection to the cloud becomes critical. How can a cloud-based system handle connection losses gracefully? In this context, gracefully describes that the system will remain as efficient as possible without violating any of its safety goals. Together with industry partners, Fraunhofer IKS examined the impact of connection losses on a cloud-based system by the example of automated valet parking (AVP).

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Christian Drabek

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Christian Drabek

Research Engineer

Hansastr. 32
80686 Munich

Phone +49 89 547088-357