Real-time adaptation and error tolerance mechanisms
While real-time adaptation enhances the autonomous capabilities of intelligent systems, the overall system is subject to new safety risks through the adaptive software architectures. And although conventional validation methods assume worst-case conditions, they place extremely stark limitations on the degree of freedom of the system as a result. With this in mind, Fraunhofer IKS researchers are developing dynamic adaptation strategies. Given that unsafe middleware can be a source of errors, young researcher Yuan Liao is developing a platform for safe adaptive systems. This platform detects safety-critical software components and automatically switches to a safe configuration as a means of automatically adapting to the higher safety requirements. When designing new software platforms, many developers first improve performance through markers such as the data rate, latency and memory consumption. Yuan Liao and his colleagues at Fraunhofer IKS are working to simultaneously improve the robustness and reliability of the systems. This degree of safety, even under critical internal or external conditions, must be verifiable, which the researchers are achieving through model-based analysis techniques.