Bavarian high-tech agenda
Bavaria is investing in research on the reliable use of artificial intelligence
Roland Weigert, Bavarian State Secretary for the Economy, presented a grant notice in the amount of 20.1 million euros to the Institute Director, Professor Mario Trapp, for the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS.

The Bavarian Ministry of the Economy has supported the non-university research unit in Munich since its founding in late 2019 as part of the state’s high-tech agenda. Fraunhofer IKS conducts research on safety aspects of artificial intelligence for safety-critical systems, to ensure reliable functions during autonomous driving, for example. The additional funding is intended to help further advance applied research and development in the »safe intelligence« area.
State Secretary for the Economy Roland Weigert: »Artificial intelligence is a strategic innovation driver for the Bavarian economy. New developments based on AI are decisive for our long-term competitiveness and successful positioning in many future markets. That is why it is essential for this key technology to deliver maximum reliability in applications. Especially where it has to work with maximum safety, such as in self-driving cars or medical devices. To support this, we are providing funding of more than 20 million euros to strengthen the new Fraunhofer IKS as a research flagship for the future topic of AI.«
Fraunhofer IKS has received extensive funding from Bavaria since its founding. Start-up financing in the amount of 20 million euros initiated the establishment of the institute. With the new funds, the research unit will be able to significantly expand its work in the strategically important research area of AI reliability. In the medium term, the construction of a new building for the institute is planned in close proximity to the campus of TU Munich in Garching, co-funded by the state and federal government. »Its practical research focus makes Fraunhofer IKS an important partner to our key technological industries in Bavaria, such as the automotive, mechanical engineering and medical engineering sectors. Reliably functioning AI will reach market maturity in these sectors just a few years from now. With this funding, we are also strengthening our Bavaria-wide competence network for artificial intelligence. We are providing a total of 120 million euros through the high-tech agenda for the rapid expansion of applied AI research at universities and non-university institutions. We want Bavaria to become a global pioneer for artificial machine intelligence,« declared State Secretary Weigert.
Prof. Mario Trapp, Institute Director at Fraunhofer IKS and member of the Bavarian AI Council, added, »I would like to express my sincere thanks to the State of Bavaria for its commitment. This also applies to the active support of an innovation ecosystem consisting of universities, research institutions and strong, globally leading businesses here in Bavaria. Fraunhofer IKS will continue to expand its research on safe cognitive systems in this environment. That is why it is especially important to us to support the development of intelligent systems and services holistically, by combining the best of both worlds: the art of classic engineering and artificial intelligence.«